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Rick Doblin, Ph.D., is the Founder & President of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) and this episode is all about his life and work. This episode is a holistic look at the point where traditional therapy meets psychedelics and how Doblin and his team have spent the last few decades appealing to the scientific community and lawmakers across the world.  

Doblin gives us a fresh perspective on the mental health crisis and discusses his studies & experiments in Iceland. We cover his early professional life and what lead him to pursue the science of alternative medicines. Doblin believes that with psychedelic assisted therapy, the world could be trauma free by 2070.




If this helps one Veteran it should be explored. In stead of throwing mass amount of pills to a problem. I think it must be kept nonprofit, cause cures get lost. They pass those antipsychotic pills out like skittles and they cure nothing! And make people feel like shit. The Vets and first responders should be first. Let’s face it, what they have been doing so far ain’t working. I was born in 1955 and 60’s hit LSD was every where and all other kinds of drugs, 70’s too. I can’t sleep without gummy’s every night. I think if everyone would smoke marijuana or gummy’s everybody would get along a lot better. Just the way I feel.


I am shocked that he thinks big pharma wouldn’t be a problem. They are so powerful, influential and controlling as far as what is done to us. They get away with murder. They can’t benefit from healing people. They will never cure cancer. They thrive and depend on chronically ill people. The FDA does not operate as they were designed. Anyone who trusts the fda is ignorant at best.


Shawn, in the spirit of transparency, when I first found your channel I thought you were an ego driven miserable asshole, a dick. That said, I liked your guest so I kept watching. Today, you're at the top of my list of people I aspire to be. You're so genuine and the fact that you care/have a huge heart, is undeniable. In the world of content creator's, you are the best, hands down, it's not even close. I wish that somehow the universe would put me in a place where I could shake your hand and tell you thank you in person. I really appreciate what you do, bro. Thank you for the encouragement and inspiration. Might sound crazy, but you help me keep moving forward.


I remember watching this when you posted it a few months ago and I do think it is important to look at again. Not sure where the values clashed but I think someone explained it above. If that's true then you are a solid man for putting it back knowing that what is discussed in the episode is actually beneficial and perhaps more in line with what you agree with then outside of it. Anyways glad to see it's back up so I can see it again. More awareness of the benefits of this therapy would be great. I am thinking of doing it to quit nicotine / cigarettes if it helped get you off of alcohol and caffeine painkillers then I would be open to it helping me to rewire other self destructive behavior like smoking cigs and recognizing positive relationships when they are in my life.


Be careful, Shawn: https://www.reddit.com/r/MDMAsolo/s/Tmcmvu2UUR https://www.reddit.com/r/MDMAsolo/s/ej5h72v06v But thanks for your great work anyway!

Blackwater Xe 2010

DEA (Drunk Every Afternoon) is part of the problem.

The Machine

Sounds like a Miracle happened with your best friend. It just happened through the Psychedelic treatment.

Brian Bettencourt

I think I can see your hesitation releasing this episode. But I’m glad you did! Keep doing what you do Brother ❤️ you have changed mine life (civilian) and a few of my military buddies lives too!