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In part 1 with Tim Parlatore, we learn about his time representing Donald Trump and being a part of the legal team, as well as what prompted him to leave. Tim shares with us an approximate number of how much Trump is paying in legal fees and whether he could sue for malicious prosecution. This episode also explores the January 6 insurrection and the likelihood of Trump being charged.




One of the things that drives me so crazy is the idiots that wiggle their way into Trumps inner circle and just like this “in house counsel” dude are just out to build their notoriety and could not care at all about what their job is with respect to why Trump hired them. He has GOT to have better people surrounding him. Tim was just such a guy.


I just came across this article on substack today for more evidence of fraud in Georgia if you guys are interested: https://open.substack.com/pub/emeralddb3/p/christmas-countdown-3-days-of-georgia?r=1o9etd&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post