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Another informative article featuring the episode with Sarah Adams, former CIA Targeter. 

Check it out: https://americanwirenews.com/i-love-you-joe-biden-illegal-immigrant-thank-potus-after-invading-us/


'I love you Joe Biden': Illegal immigrant thanks POTUS after invading US · American Wire News

"I love you Joe Biden, thank you for everything, Joe Biden!" an illegal immigrant from Africa told Fox News in Lukeville, Arizona.



It's over 12 million now. Not 8 million. Chinese trained military aged males now numbers over 52 thousand. Known and suspected ME terrorist connected is currently over 6 thousand. We just broke the record of 9k at 12k in one day crossing the border. Xi made deals with Newsom and Biden to allow his illegals to cross unimpeded in California and if possible Arozona and Texas border crossings. Media just broke intel on the "smart luggage" being seen by the Chinese crossing. China has an entire network from Columbia to the port in Michocan Mexico for support services to Chinese insurgents. They are showing up with working technology and orders of where to report (which city) and when they have to be there. They'll await further instruction (attacks on infrastructure) when the time comes. Those lines of communication already exist. This is way past correcting without it getting brutally dangerous for urban centers in the US. Be preparing at home for the inevitable. How you go about that is on you. The reality is, we are already at war and being actively invaded by foreign armies. Many are asking why Americans and Militia haven't stood up to resist this and standing actively and static at the border to prevent this continuing, it's simple, the DOJ and Bureau will end your freedom in a heartbeat if you even think about it. The plan has been in the making for this for decades. WEF hasn't even tried to hide the plan from those who seek the knowledge with little effort. With the EU facing the same situation and Israel with their own war, we stand alone at present and will face this alone. Other allies like Australia for example are with our current admin and WEF completely. This election in 2024 has already been decided and it's not going to even happen if they have their way or feal a threat of slipping behind with the plan. Be ready folks, reality isn't always perfume and roses. For God and Country..


Let me add this, from a small and miniscule intel package of data I'm pulling my facts from. We will mostly likely see a CBRN event near term following several more soon after. The border isn't what's keeping Chris Wray awake at night. The reality of what happens when they lose control of the population, and the reality of what happens when the masses realize what side they were on during this entire activity. The reality that the intel the Bureau is seeing right now would create mass panic and exodus of Americans to safer harbors while they still can, offshore mainly. The fact he's more concerned about keeping his title and position to secure his own exit over being loyal, to what he sees is the countries complete collapse. Why intervene in something that's already way past correcting? This isn't fear mongering, these are whispers and scuttlebutt among agents in field offices across the country who themselves are seeing these red blinking lights and have been for a decade. They are looking hard at contingencies to secure their own loved ones at present. They are working their jobs daily doing the best they can to stay under the radar at HQ in DC. I know several good genuine people who are all but ready to walk out of their careers over this and a thousand other reasons all of which are clear and present threats. Anyhow, everyone have a blessed and productive rest of your work week. And be at home on your time off being an asset to your loved ones, not a liability. And thanks to Shawn and his Team for all they're doing to put the word out in ways they can themselves avoid being the target. God help us all!


War is necessary, war is inevitable, war is the reason why we have what we have today, our western way of life, and war will be the reason and means why we’ll fight to protect it. To protect our children’s future. No matter how you define our encapsulation, it will take aggressive, violent action to defend and protect our beautiful American country. And yes it has already begun. Since the last few decades will be the single most biggest mobilization that our county’s ever seen. The difference between life or death will be determined by how prepared you are. Comms is key


Outright War, bloodbath, absolute destruction of the Republic, what's left of it. NO WAY WE WIN, military industrial complex is outright controlled by COMMIES, reprobates. Trust me, they want outright War, absolute, The Only Easy Day Would Be Yesterday!! Need, small, fast strike teams, lite on their feet, sabators, "militias" well funded, sorta along the lines of THE PATRIOT. Now, never going to happen, sadly, J6 (prisoners) prove me right, should've been rescued, placed underground, their actual "hostages" Soros funds leftists, NO ONE FUNDS the right in this fight, to many books to sell. Need about 10 Musk's to fund (quietly) militias, NOT FACEBOOK GROUP MILITIAS, with the geo map showing their location. Ahhhh, it's a wet dream, lock n load and protect your family, loved ones, seek high ground!! Wolverines