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In the concluding segment, Part 3 with Chris Miller to wrap up the series, Shawn and Chris discuss the influence of Russia and China and the future of warfare. They cover everything from propaganda, TikTok, and social media bots to a myriad of unfolding events that lead to one fundamental question: Are we already in a different kind of war? Chris elaborates on his investments in directed energy weapons capable of destroying swarms of war drones, and the likelihood of America having a wall of energy.

Let us know what you thought of the series!




My honest opinion, a lot of this is common sense - therefore, if our govt isn't doing it... then they are committing treason against us by choosing not to do what is in the best interest of the people they have been elected to serve.


Shawn has established an incredible network of at minimum 'acquaintances'. his ideals are solid, clearly he has an immense amount of public support as indicated by his shows ranking. he has been a leader nearly his entire career with insight into nearly every aspect of government. why has he not run for any sort of public office to start the climb to make the changes. as much as i thoroughly enjoy watching every single episode, it seems that his team has done a very good job at highlighting the problems. now lets get them fixed. i would vote for him.


Great guest.