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In Part 1 with Nick Bryant, we learn what drew him in to bring exposure to trafficking, from investigating the Franklin Scandal to eventually leading him to Jeffrey Epstein and his secret black book. Did you know there are only 8,000 agents in the world combatting this issue? 




This is a PHENOMENAL episode. Thank you both SO much. You HAVE to interview Jessie Marie Czebotar. I’ve submitted a request, but she will connect the dots and answer your questions about people in power and pedophiles! It’s the Luciferian Brotherhood System.


There can't be enough conversation on this topic as over the years it has either grown or simply become much more visible...but what is really needed is action to bring this epidemic to an end. One aspect of this interview that is omitted or not included is that while these cases are large and highlight state/federal involvement everyone should remember this happens in small town USA all the time. As much as I dislike writing this, pastors, teachers, neighbors, and relatives of children are all suspects. Why? How important are your children to you?? We know from decades of research that children are more at risk day to day by adults parents know and trust than by a wealthy oligarch. For example, I moved back to a small town in Tennessee two years ago. The second week I was here, the local police force arrested 200 adult men in a pedophile sting. What happened to those 200 individuals? Hmmmm, good question. No one seems to know. I grew up in a small town in Ohio attending a high school of less than 375 students. Yet in this small town, there were pedophile pastors, teachers, and athletic coaches. If we are going to end this....it starts in the town, you live in first. In 1990 I was finishing my graduate degree in Europe living in Lasel Germany. My son was a second grader, and his father was a military pilot. A colleague of mine was at Heidelberg Army HQ as a Psychiatrist. Her full-time caseload was child victims of incest by military members (mostly officers) assaulting their own children. As a country and as a planet, the abuse of children is far beyond epidemic levels. To date, the US government has "misplaced" 45,000 migrant children since the border was opened. The US government is the largest trafficker of children yet no action is taken. There have been 4 Congressional hearings specifically on this topic....but no one seems to care.