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Part 3 of 4

In this episode with John Lovell, we wrap up his military career, the bureaucracy that ensued, and how he found a new mission and purpose after war. Something that many veterans face is integrating back into the civilian world after combat. Both Shawn and John discuss this in depth during this episode, and John provides insight into what he set out to do to find a new purpose.




I'm terrified of my husband dying before he finds the Lord. I am a spiritual and Jesus loving woman. He is not. It's scary to think I may not see him in Heaven!!! I told him before we got married that he needed to have a relationship with the Lord but then after months I felt it was pushing him away. My brother said "Do you love him now? Would you go to the ends of the earth for him? Then why can't you allow him your love as Jesus did you in your place in life?" That hit me so hard. I married him knowing he didn't have a relationship with the Lord that I did yet also knowing My God loves me, so I shall Love my husband. I believe loving him right where he is, showing him what the Lord has done for me, praying at the kitchen table with the kids before dinner (which he joins) may just be what He needs!


LOL, Submariners, particularly DevGru 5 guys super failed at the military bearing thing as well. But we got the job done!