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Whether you're traveling this Friday, working, or taking the day off, listen to Part 1 with Tim Burchett.

We have a lot to unpack from the Congressional hearing with the three whistleblowers: David Grusch, David Fravor, and Ryan Graves.

Productions will go live this afternoon!




Great stuff guys, usually I wouldn't bother with just audio as I've got this thing where it's difficult to follow people and convos if I don't see their face. However for this it's worth me staying up late over here in UK :)


Wow I live outside of Hopkinsville Ky never in my life did I think that would pop up on this show. Awesome podcast as always brothwr


you be surprised what Remeos are out in the boondocks... places like Avalon Texas, and other rural route areas with flat land.... Huge hot bed for UAP and ET activity. :D