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In Part 2, Congressman Tim Burchett and Shawn unpack the many hearings, from NASA to the Mexico UFO hearing, where they revealed two alien bodies, and the biggest congressional hearing on UFOs involving three whistleblowers: David Grusch, David Fravor, and Ryan Graves. Tim knew that if they tried to discredit Grusch, they had the two pilots who had physical video evidence of a UFO encounter.

Tim discusses the roadblocks and pushback they received, including from their own people, although two sides came together to get more information regarding this widely phenomenon.

Enjoy Part 2!

-Vigilance Elite




Nope. Cabal controls that


EMP pulses appear to be the mechanism that causes craft to crash. Roswell, US was conducting tests on atom bombs which is been identified two separate crashes in NM at that time. Having worked at Holloman and WSMR. I was present with the F117 team. When we had a night event to which HellStaff claimed to have captured something. HellStaff (HELSTF)has claimed to have shut down. however, they moved to a new name to keep them masked. Electronic weapons are use to disable UAP’s HELSTF=High Energy Laser Systems Test Facility.