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The American Dream is alive and well!

This one will mean a lot to you dads out there raising the next generation of men. I hope everyone finds value in this episode with Bedros because I know I did.

Enjoy your weekend!




I am sorry folks feel that a human is beyond redemption. It is disappointing to say the least. However, the entirety of religion, philosophy, and intelligence is about redemption. Once you pay your debt per the legal system, you earn the right in the United States to be able to make the effort to redeem yourself. Put it this way, the ones who make the largest contributions are the ones who failed the hardest. In all of the hero stories, they espouse that its the lowest of the low, the worst of us that are the ones called to save humanity. Christ used the dregs of society, Han Solo was an outlaw, Ben Franklin was a whoremonger. Abe Lincoln HATED Christianity because of his preacher father who abused him... And I could go on. Thank you Shawn for showing us flawed humans who make the effort to redeem themselves. You light the path, it's up to us to take it.


People who can't stand this interview have never lived in a bad area. I've been shot at twice as a civilian, swearing into the Army Wednesday. Much respect to this man for turning his life around and helping others. Thank you Shawn


So true 🙏we give so much because we would rather suffer than to see another human in pain.