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Please welcome Tony Cowden to the Shawn Ryan Show. We are honored to present this two-part series in which we delve into numerous topics related to Tony's childhood, earning $100 an hour at 13 years old, his journey in joining the National Guard Special Forces, becoming a CIA contractor, engaging in intense combat, his run for Congress, and much more!

Early access video will be live this evening. Part 2 early access audio/video will go live on Monday!

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Awesome part 1 interview


"Do you think we're the bad guys?" Sean, read "Ball of Collusion" by Andrew McCarthy and you'll be enlightened about the corruption that intensifies today. Also, since you put that quote about habeas corpus on X, what Lincoln did was pursuant to a statute passed by Congress, during a Civil War. Lincoln was arguably one of the greatest leaders in world history. The habeas corpus suspension arguably was unconstitutional, but the Civil War itself was extraconstitutional.