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Thank you all for your patience, as we initially stated 5 PM CST for the early release of the Vivek Ramaswamy interview. We have just concluded production, and I hope you take the weekend to enjoy this interview!

Who would you like to see next? 




This guy is owned by George Soros Shawn!! He is not a patriot!! Everyone makes mistakes and I just hope you see the truth! God Bless


Funny how many "mainstream media talking points" are regurgitated here. I expect better from people watching SRS. Wikipedia is having an all out battle over his page. Soros did give him a scholarship (a different Soros and different politics but related by blood and trying to stop Georgie). About five minutes on Google, hell even twitter can clarify some of these so called issues. You could even ASK him yourself on twitter. Oh noooo... You do know the "Mango Mussolini" is going to lose so I guess we have to savage the other options. Looks like Joey B. and his cronies will be reelected again because of this. I am not in his camp but I do believe in giving people a chance to speak their piece and myself doing something REQUIRED of human beings afterwards. Due diligence. A modicum of research will take us a long way instead of repeating headlines and garbage from social media. Haha, seriously tho... take beat and read more than the headlines or chyrons on Fox better yet, take the time a research each option and learn their history and stories and realize we the people pick from the shallow end of the gene pool to run our precious country.