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Hey Patreon,

I was originally all for the release of the manifesto and was supposed to be at this press release to show support for Vivek's demand but I changed my mind.  As many of you know I have several ties to the school and I donated a complete / thorough security assessment of what happened and what they can improve in the future to mitigate loss of life if they have to endure this again.  Several of the parents had reached out to me and asked that I not support the release of the manifesto.  There was apparently a lot of research done by the shooter and not much at all that says why she did it or who she was specifically targeting.  The parents have seen the manifesto and are worried that other potential threats would learn from the research the shooter conducted and formulate it into their own plans.  I agreed to remove myself from the press release.  When it comes tragedies like the Covenant School shooting I will always respect the wishes of the actual victims and my community, their requests made a lot of sense to me.  

Just thought I would share my opinion of the topic since my name is in the press with you all. 


Ramaswamy calls for release of Nashville shooter's manifesto

As Vivek Ramaswamy demands the release of the Nashville shooter's manifesto, many parents are fighting to keep it from being released.



Wise move. This a the difference between predatory journalism and gumshoe reporting: relationships. MSM is dehumanizing

Don Mayfield

Thank you for all that you do Mr. Ryan. I think your decision is a wise move