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I once heard someone call him a Trojan Horse and up until that moment I thought he might be just what the country needs but now I'm not so sure as that Trojan horse comment caused me to look more closely at what he's doing and what he's saying and now I'm thinking that person who said he's a Trojan horse may not be that far off


100!!👎👎👎NO TY JUST TOO JUDGMENTAL! He’s too young he’s has potential! I’m a true Christian. We are not the judge or the Jury. We se All children of GOD✝️☦️🙏🙌! He’s way too far to the right! As far as Donald Trump well considering that he and Giuliani were pretty close back in the day and that I spent most of my time in New York City working going to college, I admired Rudy Giuliani and followed him up to Connecticut during the Donald Manes trial (He often himself because he was in a scandal with tickets in Queens which is one of the biggest boroughs that’s connected to Long Island and actually on Long Island although it’s part of New York City, I live the suburban life now I’ve been in the suburbs since I am 10 years old. Nassau and Suffolk County are the brightest parts of New York, probably 70% or 75% Republican. Growing up I was fortunate to become part of the party get involved and it helped me throughout my career. I am now disabled retired and love love watching your show, it is the only show that confirms what I always thought! Growing up thinking outside the box you couldn’t say many things you just observed and he listened Gen X. not sure how anybody can really look at DeSantis and not think he’s a little bit or a lot like Michael Pence which is to me one of the weakest people I have ever seen! The insurrection yeah that happened it sure did and yeah Donald Trump is a bit of a narcissist extremely but tomorrow if he was up I would vote for him! He put himself in a real shitty situation with his narcissistic attitude and again a man who partied with Dennis Rodman and Madonna! Judgment day is for God! And DT he could’ve opened up his own abortion clinic back in the day these are facts! How do I know? Because I thought Donald Trump was the shit of this shit man this guy anything he touched turned platinum and he could’ve threw it all away he took his father‘s wealth and he built on it and wow everybody loved him Everywoman flock to him and I could give a shit what happen with stormy because she’s a hooker that’s what she is that’s what she does And that’s just like Bill Clinton so whatever!