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Hey Patreon,

Some things have arisen prohibiting us from executing on an early release video version with Dr. Steven Greer. Furthermore, we have had to review all of our content on this platform and delete certain pieces of content to resolve this issue. Thank you all for understanding and we will have a better update for you by next week to continue providing early access video format from the Shawn Ryan Show. 

Have a great weekend everyone we appreciate all the continued support!!


Vigilance Elite






I don't believe most of Greer's claims to be personally involved in much of anything; I've seen his presentations and interviews dating back 20 years. He has some great contacts who have incredible and credible stories. However, he states that he was offered millions/billions of dollars to stay silent...he claims there are tunnels in California between Nellis and Edwards bases in NV; that's over 200 miles! The tunnels were drilled in the 50-60's with a nuclear-powered tunneling device that melts rock? The US mastered gravity control in 1954? He has to hand off new hard drives to his contacts before they can give him more information? This is all a load of garbage other than the contacts he has made who are genuinely looking for an outlet because no one else will take them seriously. He has some great stories with credible information, but he exaggerates his personal involvement in many of his claims. Regardless of my feelings on this guest, I still love the VE format and podcast.