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I just want to say that I am sorry for the last episode with Rick Doblin. I am not aligned with what they stand for and had I known I would have never had him sit across from me.

I have pulled his episode from every platform and made a public apology after seeing a drag show at his conference he is hosting in Denver, CO.

I am not the kind of person that refuses to admit my mistakes and I never will be. Please excuse my inexcusable ignorance.

Thank you everyone.

Shawn Ryan



Takes a man to admit he's wrong. Unfortunately I didn't get to see it, but wish I had, just out of curiosity to see what you're apologizing for. Thank you for standing up and admitting that, Shawn. Keep rocking on!! SEMPER FI

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-13 04:56:36 Much love and mad respect for you Shawn! 🙏🏼
2023-12-24 04:05:37


I'm guessing he was talking about his work in the field of psychedelics? Nothing but appreciation and love for you and everyone on your team.


Is Rick the next guest? I’m confused