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Hello Patreon,

I'm sure many of you are aware by now that I pulled the JTF2 Sniper Dallas Alexander SRS Episode, due to a cease and desist from the Canadian Gov. I believe that this is an attempt of Canada to silence Dallas from explaining how he left the command for refusing the covid vaccine.

It was ultimately my decision to pull the video and I did pull it for one reason only. I do not want to be on the wrong side of this incase there was in-fact some kind of sensitive or "classified" information in the episode that would jeopardize or compromise the unit or any current operators serving in the unit.

I want to be perfectly clear, I am not an ANTI VAX individual.  I believe in freedom of choice to do what you think is best for you, and am an advocate for the freedom of speech. This is why I cut anything that could have possibly been considered "classified" from part 2 of the episode.

We will continue to push back hard, giving the Canadian unit an allotted amount to time to review the "classified" information in the episode. If they can not produce what information needs to be redacted in that time frame the episode will go live again un-edited as I have 0 legal obligation to abide by Canadian law.

Thank you all for the continued support.

Shawn Ryan




Canada is an interesting place of contradictions, half redneck and half French, the nation's past time encourages fighting on ice skates and birth place of Pam Anderson and KD Lang(Preferred Pronoun Neil Young)


It is very troubling how the suppression of free speech has become more common these days days F*cking Tyrants!