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It is unbelievable to me that this adventure started with a  few texts from my wife (who I was dating at the time) pushing me to start a "youtube" channel to market tactical training courses.   

It has been been a real honor to develop this channel into what it is today, and to watch how the power of the messages being delivered are impacting thousands upon thousands and now millions of people around the world.  

Thank you to my team (you guys are amazing),  to my guests who are spreading truth and hope into the world, and most of all to my incredible audience, some of you have been here since the tactics and gun review days.  

Wow... How things have changed. 

I think it is safe to say we  have all grown together in ways we never though we would have.  

What an amazing journey life can be, I am honored to be on it with you all. 

Facing your fear may turn out to be one of the best decisions you'll ever make.  

Much love ❤️ and I can't wait to show you what's next.




Congrats Shawn!


I'll be the 100th comment. Shawn, you and your show have helped my life come full circle. Very early on I had the warrior spirit in me, and wanted to serve my country. Went to college, fell into that left-wing hate on america trap for a while. And now I've come back to appreciation for what people like you do. The men you've brought on have helped me so much, as I struggle with life in much the same ways. You've helped me become a better person, and your show exemplifies the word 'genuine.' And that's all I need from people these days. I'm currently helping train my good friend to become a Navy SEAL with BJJ & fitness help. Through this journey he helped me discover your channel, which has helped me discover myself better. I'm truly grateful, thank you Shawn.