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Hey Patreon,

I'm spending the majority of the day answering all the messages you all have sent me.

I'm gettin a lot of questions asking who the relevant trainers are.  In my opinion the most relevant trainers in the space are the guys who have recently left special operations.  The reason I believe they are the most relevant is because almost all tactics are originated from the special ops community. That's everything from private security, to law enforcement, to conventional military units.  It all stems from lessons learned on the military battle space that eventually gets trickled down to everyone else.  The guys who have just left are the cutting edge when it comes to the latest tactics.  I'm not taking anything from anyone else, this is just fact.

Here is a guy who is former Delta, who's prices are way below what they should be for the amount of information and knowledge he is giving his students.  I just interviewed Kyle on the show (will probably release in Nov) and he was only 44 days out of the Military at the time of the interview.  I believe that currently makes him the most relevant man in the space.

If I were looking for the highest value of training for the most affordable price, this is who I would go with. He is about to be the new rage in the training space, it would be good to get in early and build a relationship with him before he becomes unreachable.  I will always say that the most relevant person in the space is the one who is most recently out of the mil.  Right now, that person is Kyle Morgan, and if he ever runs a course here in TN, I will be there.

He is also running a course that I think you all will find extremely beneficial for what you're looking for next weekend in Dallas I believe.

I hope this helps! 




It was a phenomenal interview, possibly my best one yet.  




No doubt this guy would be fascinating, but this is high level stuff for the average Joe/Jane. If I was a National Guard Infantry platoon commander I’d send my squad leaders to it. Or if I was a police chief, my SWAT team. The average homeowner who wants to learn how to shoot and protect his/her family might be in way over their head, like a 2nd grader going to a seminar put on by a nuclear physicist. $600 for a 2-day session led by a guy with his resume is ridiculous, I totally agree. I hope his tip jar is overflowing afterwards.


Just wrapped up the Protector Mindset in Dallas with my company Blu Bearing. Thanks Shawn for the kind words and getting the word out. Two of your subscribers signed up as a result and did an amazing job! Iron Sharpens Iron