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Ran across this doing some research and thought this topic could be interesting for the show.  Anyone got any leads of anyone knowledgable on this topic? 


Disappearance of Robert Levinson - Wikipedia

Robert Alan Levinson (March 10, 1948 - presumed death before March 25, 2020) was an American former Drug Enforcement Administration (1970-1976) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (1976-1998) agent who disappeared on March 9, 2007, in Kish Island, Iran, while on a mission for the Central Intelligence Agency (1998-2007).



Came across this today! It’s a good history lesson of this shit and it’s been going on forever. https://youtu.be/JOWwXevbCxs


Jerri Williams has a podcast called FBI Retired Case File Review and she has brought it up on the show! I’m sure she has knowledge on this case, or knows people that do! I’ll post the link to her contact page on her website. https://jerriwilliams.com/contact/