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Hey Patreon, 

I'm interviewing former SEAL running for US Congress AZ on Tuesday. He was also on shark tank.  What are your questions?

These are some good questions. I think what I’m going to do today is get the regular “operator” interview and move the political discussion to rumble. This way we can really dig in.

Thank you for all the questions.




What is the best advice he can give young entrepreneurs in todays market?


Going from military to business to now government, I would be curious to see what he knows about the economic side of what appears to possibly be a WW3 Pre-Run. The US Dollar as the global standard is what allows us to control so much non-militarily. As the prevalence of ways to transfer money cross border in large amounts gets a massive increase (ala Blockchain technologies) how do we shore up that flank, which has in essence been the primary "front" for countries not in theater or close to Ukraine's borders.