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We’re going live on the power grid tomorrow for all patreon tiers with Brian Garret.

Running a little behind on the live. ETA 12:30 CST


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My field office at which I often stay overnight for days at a time is across the highway from a super major transmission system with lots of huge transformers. It's also just under half mile down the highway from a hospital. I was staying at the office when the Big Freeze hit and was out of power for can't remember, two or three days, with my location being rolled back into service for about 20 minutes ever four or five hours or so. Enough time to make coffee and run the heat enough to relax for a few minutes. Got some glorious light shows as some of those huge transformers lit up and exploded. Looked like invasion and landing of a lightning-producing super lightning-glowing alien space ship. Lit up like lightning hitting a lightning-filled explosive object, lit up the entire sky, and upon exploding sounded like a canon. My place is close enough to the hospital that when power was finally restored, mine was restored like a half day to full day sooner than the neighboring residences right behind me.

Ms. Jodi

Thank you Brian! You did great