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Hello Patreon,

I hope everyone is having a great week.

We are getting ready to film SRS #018 and would like to ask some questions from Patrons.

Let me know in the comments below.



Official Campaign Website - Robby Starbuck

LEARN MORE FREEDOM FAMILY FUTURE GET TO KNOW ROBBY TENNESSEE'S 5TH DISTRICT WHY AM I RUNNING? For too long the elite have forgotten what issues really matter to everyday people. We need an independent voice again who isn't afraid of being a voice for working people and their families.



Because I'm in Lebanon this is more local for us my question is there anything in the pipeline in regards to leveling the voting field for tennessean voters and candidates as far as third party visibility in elections and would that be something you support? Asi believe if we can achieve this at state level than we can push for it at the federal level and possibly balance out the polarity of the biased climate that I think our voting has taken.