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Hey Patreon, we've waited a long time for this one. I've been wanting to get this hero's story out for a long time now and it's finally here.  Get ready for some bone chilling content. 


Father Attempts to Kill Baby Daughter #SRS 016 Preview

Watch the full episode on the @ShawnRyanShowOfficial channel. https://www.youtube.com/c/VigilanceElite Support The Shawn Ryan Show on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/VigilanceElite



This was one amazing interview. Thanks for putting it out there.


Don't know how to post this elsewhere on Shawn's Patreon, but good news just in from Pipe Hitter Foundation that young Police Officer Matthew Dages, who was being supported by Pipe Hitter, was found NOT GUILTY at his trial today. The reason I post this on Shawn's Patreon is that Shawn and his show, which is supported by his Patreons, are in a roundabout and unknowingly way responsible for the support that Officer Dages got from Pipe Hitter. That support has no doubt been of great benefit to this young police officer who has been put through so much hell by the Left for no good reason. The reason I say that Shawn and his show are partly responsible for this victory is because it was by way of Shawn's show that so many of us were made so familiar with the hell that Eddie Gallagher and wife and family were put through, and it is that familiarity with the Gallaghers that brought us to contribute to Pipe Hitter immediately upon learning of its existence and mission. Hallelujah, it is so good to get good news for a change and to affirm that if we all remain "vigilant" in pulling together and contributing to these kinds of efforts, we can beat back the evil that is invading our country from within.