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Hello Patreon, 

Greg here is our next guest.  He is not well know but is damn sure a hero in my eyes.  He saved a 6 month old baby girl from being murdered by her own father.

As promised... If anyone has a question for him, please comment below and I will pick one or 2 and ask him at the beginning of Shawn Ryan Show #016

Have a great night everyone, and thank you for all the support to make these happen.  



Happy Veterans Day to all you Vets on here, and thank you for serving. 


Ex-Missouri police chief pleads guilty to beating man who allegedly tried to drown baby

Greg Hallgrimson, the former police chief of Greenwood, has pleaded guilty to assaulting a handcuffed man who was being held in a police station for allegedly trying to drown his own infant daughter in an icy pond. Hallgrimson, 51, entered a guilty plea in the Western District of Missouri on Wednesday morning, according to court records.



When it comes time to make the right decision, as he clearly did - he knew he was giving up much in order to do the right thing. We all would hope to do that, in that moment. From one that has done just that, I'm looking forward to hearing his story and getting to know more about a man that did what others only talk about. Should be a great show.


Wow, he’s a hero to me and should be to everyone who places value on human life, especially children. What causes/factors does he see in the field, that drive people to commit horrendous acts? It’s easy to say, “They’re crazy” but I feel like there is more to it, possibly??