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Good Morning Patreon, 

I want to thank you all for the support. I hope you are all seeing the quality of the show improving, I have thankfully been able to invest into great equipment and true professionals to make the show what it is today and that is all because of your support. Thank you so much for believing in what we are doing.

I do a live zoom call once a month on Tier 3 and I am really enjoying those conversations more and more as time moves on.  I'm going to take support from last month and start investing in a dedicated live set and better equipment so we can all have an even better and more interactive experience. I'm also going to start dedicating more time to doing lives from YouTube and/or Rumble (we will test both) starting this month for all tiers.

This is something I am very much looking forward to and I hope all of you are as well.  Thank you again for all the love you have brought to Vigilance Elite and The Shawn Ryan Show, it really means the world to me and everyone involved.  




Looking forward to it. Unfortunately I've missed the last 2, bummer.


Your stuff is already great! And Lives will be awesome!