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Hello Patreon!

I hope everyone is well.

In this VE Discussion we talk about some upcoming guests for SRS.

Keep those questions coming in on the Q&A phone, we'll be filming one of those sessions soon.

David Nino Rodriguez Body Shots Video


Thank you for supporting Vigilance Elite. Your support makes it possible for us to keep making content. Lots of new videos in production and editing now.



(No title)



First of all your new property in TN is sick...that waterfall alone is incredible. Congrats! If you were in a blue/leftist state like CA or CO where would you move to and why? What would you look for to minimize (impossible to avoid it 100%) the risk on ending up in the same situation?


Would you consider creating a vegan VE Gummy? The gelatin is no good... The vegan market is booming btw...