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Hello Patreon!

I hope all of you are well.

Here are some behind the scenes photos from the filming session of SRS #011 Raven 23. 

This was a pretty tense filming session as it was the first time these guys have ever been in an interview all together. I'm sure reliving the story was also extremely stressful but I'm glad they got it out and I'm glad we were able to share it with the public.

I cannot thank this community enough for giving us the support to create content like this. Thank you for supporting me and Vigilance Elite.





That podcast was the reason I joined. Somewhat hard to stomach. The evidence presented corroborated what most of suspected.


This 1 got me very erritated for many reason ... Mad at citizens Mad at news Mad at my own state considering 1 of them where at my home state No1 deserves to be treat like that in any war situation.. not right and thxs for having the stones to post this podcast Why? Because its the truth ..period and thats all that matters And i love the women who helped them also! There's still good people out there and she showed that