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Hello Patreon,

I hope all of you are well and having a good week so far.

In this VE Discussion we talk about the latest episode of the Shawn Ryan Show and also the two upcoming episodes.

SRS #012 and #013 are in editing now and we'll be filming more patron exclusive content this week.

Thank you for supporting us at Vigilance Elite. Patrons like you make Vigilance Elite possible.



(No title)



Cool debrief. I had no idea how much crap these guys from Blackwater had to go through. When you look at the physical, psychological and financial stress put upon them its amazing that they would even be willing to ever be seen on camera. Good men all of them. We're already looking forward to the next episodes. Thank you for continuing to put the TRUTH out there. I'm sure it can be frustrating at times but so worth it in the long run.


Sean, John, great work. I appreciate all you do.


Thank you Larry, going to bring more episodes to the public and can't wait to share new stories.