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I need some advice from the Dad crew on here.  For those that don't know I'm going to be a Dad here in about a month and a half and it has brought to my attention that I'm going to need a "DIAPER BAG" (never in a million years would I think I'd be saying that). 😂

Most of you know I like to keep it pretty simple, but there are SO MANY options, with all the cool little compartments, gizmos, etc...  I'm way out of my element here so PLEASE HELP ME OUT!

This is what I'm thinking instead of all the latest and greatest stuff.


I'll take any advice you have, and that includes telling me my own line, "It's just a fucking bag.  You're overthinking it". 😂


Congratulations to Kaden Prickett! His son was born last night and everyone is healthy.  I'm right behind you brother. 




I used a book bag as well. I would say to get small bags that zip. To help keep some stuff from getting lost in the bag. Like pacifiers and to hold milk cold or dry. And to have a mat to lay out on the changing table. Some you will see look nasty. Even nice places you go some don’t look like they clean as well.


Original SOE gear has a good shit. Just don't be in a hurry.