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Hello Patreon,

Today's discussion wanted to shoot about some questions that have come through on most VE channels about the NRA. Honestly, it's a mixed bag but there are some positives as well. Would love to hear your opinions on this. Please keep it friendly with each other in the comments.

Two other organizations mentioned that are worth checking out below:

Gun Owners of America- https://www.gunowners.org/

Firearms Policy Coalition- https://www.firearmspolicy.org/


(No title)



Not a very good showing. You've got a guy here who admits he doesn't even have an EDC bag. WTF? Also admitting you have no kit in your vehicle much of the time. When the time comes that you need it, you won't have it. You're better than this.


I am a life member of NRA, GOA and USCCA I don't support the funny business the NRA does and the Fudd like vibes but in today's age anything I can do to fight for our rights is worth it. It's gonna take unity amongst all 2A groups and unification of all 2a people to push a counter objective towards the left.

