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Gearing up to get this going. More information coming to Patreon. I’m going to be running some tests here to get familiar with this platform. Please bear with me.

I would like to turn this into a community that has unlimited access to me. I may make it one tier and one tier only for the sake of simplicity. I would like to hear what you think, what are some things you would like to see on patreon?


Shawn Ryan




Pumped you got the Patreon going bro! I'd like to see some alternative handgun shooting positions, because defensive shootings don't happen in perfect lighting with a solid weaver stance 😁 Maybe run through your fundamental sop's while you're at it. Would be bad ass to get some exclusive content with the podcast guests as well, eg Ritland's K9 fucking you up.


I have some mental health issues (I cannot own a firearm until I'm 25) However, I do want to learn how to use knives. Got any tips?