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Hey Patreon, 

Looking back over the years, the show started with humble beginnings in Shawn's attic then graduated to a temporary studio. Soon, a new edition is coming in the near future for SRS Studios. It has been an incredible journey to share with you. All 100 episodes brought their own set of accomplishments, failures, setbacks, etc. and we wouldn’t change a thing. We sincerely want to thank everyone, especially our patrons on Vigilance Elite Patreon, who have supported us since the beginning. Because of all of you, we continue to spread truth, preserve history, and shed light on topics affecting our world.

Please use the code in the video above to get 20% OFF your next purchase. 



Have you thought about interviewing Jacob Chansley?

Jake Forsythe

Your show has not only blessed me, but pushed me to be better! Awesome! God Bless!