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Dan and Ryan tackle the age old question, "What's going on?" It's an impossible question to answer, but they do their darnedest and talk about Franz Ferdinand, therapy, Rudy Giuliani and showering along the way. It's a loose one!



Adam F

I’ve noticed a lot more gray hairs (I call them silver because I’m vain) but I don’t know how much that is from living in hell (or 2020, your choice) or that my hair is just longer in those spots


Imposter Syndrome is so real and ubiquitous in the arts. I consistently catch myself answering 'how are you' or 'what are you up to' with a desperate accounting of things I'm producing. Definitely feel like I'm always trying to validate my existence by what I make. Covid bringing almost all of those creative outlets to a screeching halt has been...rough. So yes, BIG relate. BIG love. BIG Paxton.