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Another one from the archives! This is the second episode we ever recorded sometime in early June of 2019, and frankly, I'm not sure why we never released it. But, now it turns out to be lucky because now we have it to release while we're all staying safe at home.

This episode features a shy Lindsay Lohan fan (Lofan?), a small time podcaster at an ATM, coworkers trying to manage the substance of their friendship, a man with bad therapist boundaries, and an overly emotional dog lover. There's also a conversation that REALLY dates this episode as from 2019 when we discuss wanting to be social but being too lazy to have people over, what a privileged time it was!

Also! We started a Discord! If you'd like to chat with other fans of the podcast while you're stuck at home or trying to alleviate Covid anxiety, feel free to join the conversation! So far people have been using it to share pictures of their dogs and animal crossing characters. 

Join the fun at this link:  https://discord.gg/JmSCyuf

And finally (and obviously!) we hope everybody is safe and healthy, both physically and emotionally. We love everyone out there and even though we don't see our listeners in person, we still miss and love you all. Thanks for listening!




The therapy scene made me having to be at work today 80% better. Thank you.


Jesus this whole situation has fucked my state of mind and reflexes so much that I hear Ryan coughing 9 months in the past and immediately feel a mixture of panic and concern