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Hallo was no ordinary girl. She had a wild, curly haired monster pet that matched her untamed spirit, FuzzBucket. She was covered in a carpet of fur, with big lips and a sweet tooth that never seemed to fade.

Fuzzbucket’s obsession? Big, enormous lollipops. She'd sniff them out like a bloodhound seeking a scent. Her addiction to these oversized sugary delights was real.

On Halloween night, Hallo and Fuzzbucket would roam the streets, with Fuzzbucket clutching onto her thong leash (which was more for the sake of appearances than actual restraint), darting eagerly from house to house in search of the coveted big lollipops.

Meanwhile, I, in my homemade witch costume, tried my best to keep up with her enthusiastic bounds and lollipop-induced distractions.

The neighborhood knew them well. Some would giggle and point at Fuzzbucket's antics, while others would chuckle and eagerly await the annual visit of this peculiar duo.

"Trick or treat!" Hallo would shout at each door, while Fuzzbucket stood bellow her, barely containing her excitement.

The neighbors were always prepared for their visit, knowing Fuzzbucket’s weakness. They'd greet them with oversized lollipops that were larger than Fuzzbucket's mouth. As soon as the sweet confectioneries landed in hers oversized lips, she’d immediately start twirling in circles of delight.

The challenge was keeping Fuzzbucket from devouring the lollipop before they reached the next house. It was like trying to stop a tidal wave with a teaspoon. Her slobbery enthusiasm for those lollipops was unmatched.

"Come on, Fuzzbucket, we have more treats to collect!" I'd say, trying to coax her away from her sugar-induced trance.

But Fuzzbucket would simply suck and grasp harder, displaying the half-eaten lollipop like a badge of honor, and continue on.

Eventually, the night would come to an end, with Fuzzbucket having devoured her way through an impressive collection of lollipops, leaving a trail of sticky patches in their wake.

As we'd trudge back home, Fuzzbucket would contentedly burp, flashing me a luscious grin, and I couldn’t help but laugh. Halloween with Fuzzbucket was always an adventure—full of laughter, sugar highs, and a monster-sized amount of joy. Who knew trick-or-treating with a lollipop-addicted monster could be so much fun?



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