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Hey Party Members, Happy....Monday??

It's not too often I do these little update posts, but there's been some features added to Patreon recently that I wanted to address.  TL;DR down below.

First, the Patreon app has gotten a huge overhaul. The old version I had deleted from my phone because it was...well, garbage tbh. BUT they've actually made some nice improvements there, at least for me as a creator. But one of the coolest features is they've added a chat feature.

Essentially, it's a big group chat. Kinda like texting, but all the Party Members can come or go as they please. As far as I can tell, you don't get push notifications from it (unless you want them) so I'll probably be utilizing it a bit. Hopefully this allows for a bit more engagement with each other than we're seeing in my Discord.

Second, there is now an option for me to sell individual products through Patreon. I'm not 100% sure how I'm going to utilize it, if I should just post my normal song packs here or maybe special "Patreon Exclusive" song packs, but it's something I'll be looking in to.

Videos is something that was added this year, but I haven't really considered doing anything with them until recently. Just not sure what kind of content I'd be posting here. Polished video essay stuff or just raw footage of me messing around with ideas in the studio? Idk...but I'm thinking about it.

There's another new feature called Collections, where I can add similar posts into one group. Haven't jumped into this at all, but it could be useful for sorting out different styles of songs, like battle music, town themes, horror music etc. Any thoughts on this? Do you guys support other creators who use this feature? Lemme know plz.

Lastly, Patreon says they added a new "Free Member" option, but tbh I'm not sure how that's different than the "Follow" option that we had before? There are a bit of people who are simply following right now, but aren't official Party Members. So to those people I want to say...hi.

I'm so grateful for everyone's support, and recently I've been trying to think of new and bigger ways I can serve you guys. More music, videos, hangouts...what would you guys like to see?? Please let me know and I'll see what I can do to make it happen!

Again, thank you SO MUCH for your support these past 3 years. You guys really do make this career possible for me, and I can't thank you enough.

See ya for tomorrows post!


TL;DR - There is a chat feature on the Patreon app I'll be using to communicate with you guys more directly. Plus I'm brainstorming more ways to serve you here.


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