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A job interview in the city isn´t that easy when you´re a giantess.

Boss: "Thanks for coming Taylor. I hope you got here well."

Taylor: "It wasn´t that easy to get through the city without stepping on someone, but it worked out well."

Boss: "I like to hear that. How did you come up with the idea of applying to a company in Lilliput?"

Taylor:  "Well, I´ve always been fascinated by you little ones. I think you´re  all really cute. And i hope to get to know you better that way."

Boss: "It´s nice to hear that there are female giantesses who don´t just see us as toys."

Taylor:  "Oh, don´t get me wrong. To us giantesses, you are just toys. I´ve  always had foot slaves too. See it more like i want to do research  here."

Boss: "But you´re not going to enslave us when you´re done researching, are you?"

Taylor:  "Of course not. I hope we become friends and do something together  after work. You might even get to know other female giants this way."

Boss: "That would be really great. But how do you get to work? We can´t block your commute every day."

Taylor: "Don´t worry about that. I have a tiny crush insurance. It replaces all the tiny ones i crush."

Boss: "Oh interesting. Would you be willing to make a certain person disappear if i asked you to?"

Taylor: "If you mean i should crush unwelcome employees, of course. Can i keep them as toys maybe?"

Boss: "I don´t care, put them under your soles if you want, as long as they´re gone."

Taylor: "Wow, how awesome is that. So do i have the job?"

Boss: "Of course you have the job."



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