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I had mentioned it on the Discord server, but wanted to keep everyone in the loop here too.

I had thought after the previous post I made, that the PC troubles were over, but just as I finished getting everything set up again, I had my main data hard drive start to die on me in the same PC. Unfortunately it was the one with all my DAZ Studio data. And write times became suddenly so bad it took ages just to export the scene data for a render.

The good news is that all my data was backed up from the previous week so there was nothing to worry about there in terms of actually losing anything. Only thing I lost was the time troubleshooting these issues, waiting for parts and being unable to pump out renders as quickly as I would have liked which has thrown me off schedule even more.

A few days ago, I got a new SSD installed & everything appears to be fine now (I say hesitantly, as I expect another crisis at any moment). At the very least this drive is twice as fast as my previous one which had occasionally been a bottleneck in the past.

So April has ended up as kind of a dud month for me productivity wise because of all this. I'm also currently a close contact of someone with covid so waiting for that to fuck me as well... :')

Nothing to do but try and make up for that lost time though, so I'm probably just going do as many game renders for the next week as I can & see where I get in time for an end of month blog.

Thank you for your continued patience & support. 

~ Jim




No backup, no pity - as I keep to say. Luckily you're fully backed up. Maybe you want to look into getting a RAID1 configuration setup. Simply means you get a second identical sized drive which will mirror all data from drive one. Windows natively supports software RAID since a few versions back, so you won't even need extra hardware. Cheapest possible solution for an adequate level of redundancy.