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Hello all,

My March break is now over. Not that I ever really stopped working on things surrounding Terminal Desires like TD writing/planning, TJ  pages, TD Voiceover scripts, TQ scripts, etc. Basically the only thing I stopped working on was the game itself. But it was still good to take a breather & get caught up on a lot of those other elements that were begging for my attention. I should now be able to focus primarily on the game until v0.10's Final Release is done.  

Thank you all for your patience. Even though I didn't charge active supporters in March, I am much more weary of how I spend supporters' time than anything else at this point, given how long it's been since v0.09 released. More eager than ever to move on from v0.10 and return to some form of normalcy regarding releases, as I keep saying like a broken record. Nothing left to do but shut up and let my actions/results do the talking.

Regarding the ETA for v0.10, I've decided to change my target from Late May to Mid June. The main reason being, when things inevitably go wrong, a "late month" target usually means a delay until early the following month. Punishing the folks who signed up to support that month exclusively for the release based on my ETA.

Therefore, it's always preferable to target the start or middle of a month to help minimize the impact of delays for the majority of supporters who get charged around the 1st of each month. If I honestly expect it to take me until the end of May, then I really am just setting myself up for failure by not giving myself that extra wiggle room in June to account for potential delays.
That being said, I have zero plans of working on v0.10's Final Release after June, so I will be shipping that build during June no matter what. I'll make sure all of the essential work is done before the end of May so that there won't be any holdups. Any content that isn't finished by June will just have to be pushed to some future release where there is time for it. As my main goal is to get back to prioritizing supporter voted content/features from v0.11 onward.

Also, expect another post about this next week with more details and reasoning, but I have plans to make some changes regarding the $1 & $5 tiers from May:

  • The $1 tier will no longer receive access to new Terminal Quickies comic pages. Though these comic pages will still be released publicly for all to enjoy upon completion (The recently completed "The New Girl" comic will get its public release later this week)
  • The $5 tier will be replaced by a $3 tier, but its content will otherwise stay the same. Unfortunately, I am unable to just reduce the price of the existing tier. So I will have to hide the $5 then create a new $3 tier and $5 supporters will have to manually swap to that tier. I will then be deleting the $5 tier once everyone has moved over.

Again, I will explain more in its own post, this was just to start giving folks some heads up. Generally though, I felt the current $5 tier hasn't been providing enough value for those supporters, and I have felt uncomfortable with it for some time. On the opposite end of the spectrum, I felt I was providing too much value for the $1 tier, considering how much of that original dollar actually gets to me after all the various fees.

Basically, this new $3 tier is being conceived as the new "default" supporter tier. With the $1 tier being kept as a "just the early access game release" tier.

No changes are being considered for the $10 tier at this time.

Now, as for my actual work plans in April, my focus right now is to finish rendering and implementing all of the sex scenes I have already begun, starting with the Iris content. I will wait until all the current WIP scenes are done, before considering which other scenes to include with my remaining time prior to release.

Other than that, any remaining back-end code/feature changes that has the potential to mess up save files. That way, no matter what I end up getting done by June content-wise, at least people can safely hold onto & continue their v0.10 save files in future releases.

Expect the next proper blog post with render previews & more in ~2 weeks. Expect additional posts for the $5+ tiers prior to that. Good to be back, and thank you again, as ever, for your support.
~ Jim



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