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Hello everyone,

This already overdue mid-month blog regrettably got delayed even further due to spending a big part of the last several days dealing with the aftermath of one of my cats having to be euthanized after a dog attack. Sorry for the bummer news, but I just wanted to let you know why it's taken even longer than usual.

As expected, work has continued on the Iris content, and because of the incident with my cat I've gotten a bit behind with these scenes, but I'm still making decent enough progress and there will be a second DevBlog at the end of the month with some additional previews. Though probably not as many now that I've got a lot less time to make further progress, but I'll endeavor to have some interesting renders ready to share nonetheless.

I've made some changes to the layout of the "East Apartments - level 2" map to add 3 new rooms. One of these (below where Tiffany is standing in the above screenshot) is Iris' room. Complete her escort quest & you'll receive the key to her room where you can get some loot as a reward.

I haven't had time to implement these yet, but I'm sharing 2 of the completed renders here for Iris getting stripped & overpowered. You'll of course see these in-game if Tiffany gets defeated in combat while escorting Iris to the pharmacy.

And I've continued progress on the her combat sex scenes. Here's a new render of her scene with the Double Dick Zombie:

Next time, I'll show a preview from the Futa Zombie combat scene.

Render work has also commenced for the sex scene between Iris & Dr. Milburn so there's a taste of its intro. This is how a general medical exam is supposed to go... right? I'm sure she'll be fine. ;)

And just to mix this post up with something not related to Iris:

Those in the $5+ tiers are already aware of this, but for everyone else, I've decided to add the Zombie Midget enemy type in v0.10 since it will play nicely with an idea I'm cooking up.

Now, in the off chance this needs to be stated, these enemy zombie creatures are over 18 years old just like all the rest of the enemies & characters in the game. They are depictions of vertically challenged adults, disfigured/mutated by the zombie virus. In case anyone draws the wrong conclusion based on their height or proportions.

The "Zombie Midget" is an enemy type I've talked about adding since the start of development. Because not every horny hostile our buxom heroines encounter needs to tower over them. Obviously we needed at least one enemy type to fit that goblin/gremlin archetype size-wise. While the rest of their bodies might be scaled down, their dicks certainly aren't. Short Kings rise up! (literally)

I went for a bit of a fancy angle/perspective in the render above, so it's harder to get a read on his height, but for clarity they will be around half of Tiffany's height. His head is around her butt/belly level when standing right next to her.

Now, usually you will encounter Zombies Midgets in groups of at least 2+ in future versions, but I am starting with their solo 1v1 combat encounter for now to get it out of the way. If you're in the $5+ tiers, there is currently an active poll to pick what kind of combat sex scene he should have with Tiffany in v0.10's Full Release. The poll is rather close right now, so I'll be leaving it up for a few more days.

Alongside that, I've also just posted another poll for those tiers to provide some insight into current feelings about the game & which areas you would like me to prioritize & focus on after v0.10's Final Release is out. I will leave this one up for a few weeks, & will be using the results to help inform what the v0.11+ Dev priorities will be & rework the roadmap to accommodate.

Finally, as always, I'll be sharing some additional previews with the Special Forces tier after this post is live. :)

Thank you all for your patience & support. Hopefully you can empathize with why this post ended up delayed. I'll be back in 4 days with a few more previews to share before the end of February & the start of my March break(active patrons won't be charged/billed for the month of March). 

~ Jim



I’m so sorry .. Your cat is gone from your sight, but never from your mind :)