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Hello $5+ tiers,

As you can see, I've got a new enemy type to reveal, along with a poll for you to vote in.

Now, in the off chance this needs to be stated, these enemy zombie creatures are over 18 years old just like all the rest of the enemies & characters in the game. They are depictions of vertically challenged adults, disfigured/mutated by the zombie virus. In case anyone draws the wrong conclusion based on their height or proportions.

The "Midget Zombie" is an enemy type I've talked about adding since the start of development. Because not every horny hostile our buxom heroines encounter needs to tower over them. Obviously we needed at least one enemy type to fit that goblin/gremlin archetype size-wise. While the rest of their bodies might be scaled down, their dicks certainly aren't. Short Kings rise up!(literally)

I thought I was going to get to them later in development, but something I'm currently cooking up made sense to start adding them now.

I went for a bit of a fancy angle/perspective in the render above, so it's harder to get a read on his height, but for clarity they will be around half of Tiffany's height. His head is around her butt/belly level when standing next to her. 

Now, usually you will encounter Midget Zombies in groups of at least 2+ in later versions, but I am starting with their solo 1v1 combat encounter for now to get it out of the way. So as well as this reveal, this post also contains a poll to vote on what you'd like their first combat sex scene with Tiffany to be. So don't forget to vote!

Thank you all for your votes & support. I'll have a devblog out in the coming days with some new Iris previews & a Sneak Peek post for the Special Forces tier too.

~ Jim



I think a more apt name for them is sneaky little fuckers.


Aw look at him! He thinks he's people!