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Hello all,

I had originally intended to make several separate preview posts over the course of this month, but a combination of life interruptions & technical issues have led to everything being combined into this one blog post, right at the end of the month. So that I apologize for. I know, pretty typical of me. I would prefer to be doing these every 2 weeks instead of 4, but if I don't feel like I have enough to justify a blog at the time, I'll tend to put it off until I can't any longer. Speaking of, let's jump into what I did work on this month:

As mentioned, my main focus in January was on the Iris content. So that is what the vast majority of these previews are centered around. I wanted to get everything with her completed and implemented before figuring out exactly where I stand with every other remaining v0.10 scene. 

I've added the Ashton Lake Library interior. It's a building in the east part of town, towards the top of the map, with a red roof. One of the previously locked doors that can now be unlocked with lock-picking. This is where you'll find Iris, help her out, and listen to her lewd tale of impregnation. 

You'll first find Iris on the Library's 2nd floor. Her quest will involve you bringing her the necessary recovery items (First Aid, Food, Water & Outfit Repair Kits) before escorting her back to the Pharmacy. 

With Iris leg still injured, she'll be slow and unable to assist in combat. If Tiffany is defeated, Iris won't be able to run away like Vanessa or some of the other companions can. Which is where the combat sex scenes come in, of course.

The Male Zombie & Sewer Zombie scenes were added in ALPHA #3, but work has continued on the Female Zombie scene, and started on the Double Dick Zombie scene too.

The final combat scene needed for her will be with the Futa Zombie which I'll be getting to in February. Of course, Iris is not immune to the virus, which means if she does become infected... Well, maybe you'll get a peak at that next time ;)

I've finished all the render variations for her dialogue scenes. Speaking of, if you do manage to get her back to the Pharmacy, she'll need to see Dr. Milburn or Hitomi (depending on who is free in your game) about her injured leg. While Hitomi will help Iris free of charge like the "pure" soul she is, Dr. Milburn will of course be looking to add Iris straight to his growing collection of sex slaves.

In a now closed poll, the $5+ tiers voted for an Anal scene. Though now that I've written the script, and the scene has become a little larger than first expected(I just can't help myself), I can confirm that there will be a bit of fondling & oral play too. :P Expect previews next time.

And just so it isn't all about Iris, feel free to check out this 3 minute video demoing new voice lines that have been added for Tiffany's Stealth & Stumble interactions. ("Strike Pose" lines are also in, though I only previewed one of them at the end). 

I have a bunch more lines to finish cutting up and adding to the game. I'd love to have at least all of Tiffany's story scene lines for Day 1 added, and all the remaining repeatable interactions (excluding combat sex scenes, though some more will be added)done for the Full Release. That said, I won't be delaying the release purely to add voice lines. They'll just continue to be added as they come in and I find the time to add them.

Before I end this post, I would just like to address my current planned time-frame for v0.10's Full Release. As of now, the schedule in my head looks like this:

  • February: Finish Iris content, revamped intro sequence & all remaining back-end code changes/additions that could cause broken saves. 
  • March: Pause Patreon Page & take a break. Active Patrons won't be charged for the month of March.
  • April: Finish all remaining WIP scenes (Tiffany Glory Hole, Debra vs Barney, Tiffany vs Vanessa) & WIP gameplay features ("Slut for" for each individual zombie type, missing Perk & Skill implementations, collectible card items displaying previously commissioned 2D art in-game)
  • May: Zandre & Ziana Cum Extraction Scenes, Tiffany vs Imprisoned Milburn scene, then release v0.10. (Additional Scenes will be added if there is time remaining)

^Now this list isn't exhaustive, nor set in stone. It's just a rough idea of my priorities right now. I'll go into more depth in a February or March post when I can see how well I am tracking. But I think Late May is a pretty solid bet right now regardless. I am pretty determined to simply cut anything that isn't ready by then, and move back to the main story with v0.11 from June on-wards.

All the being said, the earliest v0.10 could release is May. So if you're only here to pick up the latest builds, feel free to take a break and come back then. Regardless I appreciate the support. Just wanted to be as transparent as I can be at this time. 

Thank you all for your continued patience and support. I'll aim for 2 Dev Blogs in February and get into some of the spicier previews. Extra Sneak Peeks going up for the Special Forces tier after this post. :)

~ Jim


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