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Hello Heroines & Special Forces tier supporters. 

While I've very much enjoyed resuming work on this Xmas set after all this time, with the way I have the remaining images planned out, the set will be finally complete at Image 22.

If I continue to work on this set at the current rate into 2023, that means the final image (22) will be finished and uploaded around the 11th of January, meaning I should be able to resume work on the game from the following day, (the 12th) at the earliest. 

However, that of course means nearly the first 2 weeks of January 2023 will be spent finishing this Xmas image set instead of working on the game. I don't feel comfortable committing to that much time to this "bonus content" without a majority of supporters' approval.

So please vote in the attached poll to choose whether I should:

  • Pause the Xmas 2020 Set after Image 13 (Start game work on January 2nd)


  • Complete the Xmas 2020 Set at Image 22 (Start game work on January 12th)

Thanks for your feedback & support. 

~ Jim


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