Terminal Quickies: Jailbreak Comic - Cover + Pages 1-4 (Patreon)
Hey all,
At last, here it is the first batch of pages for the comic reboot of the Jailbreak story. Art by the fantastic MeinFischerArt.
These 4 pages adapt roughly the first part of the short story. So less words, more pictures. What format do folks prefer? Honestly, while I do love to drone on for paragraphs and explore the minds of these characters and the fictitious world they inhabit, writing for a comic is a lot easier for me to manage while working on the game. Which is why the 3rd part of Lara's story hasn't come out yet, despite the art being done for it a few months ago...
Speaking of, would you be in favor of the Lara story also being morphed into a comic as well? I wouldn't reboot that one from the beginning(since there's no need for a change in artist), but maybe just change the format for future releases after I finally finish writing the 3rd part?
Anyway, the plan of release for this Jailbreak comic is roughly 1 new page each month from now on. The pages will be available here first, before being posted by MeinFischer when/where he decides to.
As for the game, I'll post an update tomorrow with more previews, but just a heads up: I'll be taking some more time with it. Probably another week. Can't help myself from ballooning the number of images in the new scenes. The Hitomi X Terry scene is now set to be over 30 images long. :')
~ Jim