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Hello all,

Just wanted to explain properly what’s been going on. Originally, in mid-late April, a visiting family member from overseas caused a minor disruption to my work schedule, given that I had to take some time to spend with them and be generally present for some related family events. You know the drill.

This initially wasn’t a particularly big concern, and things were still generally on track as I had previously reported. However, just as they were departing on Friday the 29th of April, I received the unrelated news that my grandmother’s health had take a turn for the worse. She passed away earlier this week.

Sadly, this wasn’t much of a shock as her debilitating battle with dementia over the past 5 or so years kept her generally bedridden and unable to recognize even her closest family members. So while I was not emotionally affected by the news of her passing, as I had personally made peace with her horribly tragic fate some years ago, I hadn’t counted on the various related affairs chipping away at my time as much as they have. As such, I’ve honestly struggled to get a full day’s worth of work in since the 28th of April. Which has been the cause of this extended delay.

Now, I know what some of you may be thinking. Honestly, it’s the reason why I didn’t mention it until now. This almost certainly sounds like a sort of “dog ate my homework” last minute excuse to some, thanks to the timing of it all. And I feel you, I too have supported others who seem to always have the perfect excuse for everything. And I know that my track record these past 2 years has been particularly woeful. I hate being “that dev”. These “frequent” ALPHAs were meant to be my triumphant return to a consistent new release every 1-2 months that I have been hoping for, for so long. And it hurts me, a lot more than it should given my current circumstances, that I’m here stumbling so often over these first two builds which don’t even contain that much content to begin with.

I figured it would be best to simply keep my head down and get ALPHA #2 out before explaining the situation to lessen the credibility of any such accusations, but now that we’re this embarrassingly far into May, I needed to let you know what was going on. In general, I’m in about the same position as when I last posted...

I have a couple days left now to get some work in before I travel interstate for the funeral. But with a few related things still left to take care of, I unfortunately can’t guarantee anything. But I’ll try my best.

Thank you all once again for your patience, support and understanding.

~ Jim



its alright jimjim family comes first and sorry for your loss


Life is what happens while we're making other plans.


Sorry for your loss man. It can hurt a lot, and it's also near impossible to work with this ahpenning around... Take your time, don't rush things if you don't feel able to work right now. One step at a time.

Devin Pitman

I'm just happy someone is making a cool 3d art game like this, granted I'm only paying a $1 a month but plans and deadlines are always gonna run into hiccups and roadblocks, especially when it's so few people working on a project. Much rather you take your time and deal with Real Life stuff and make something you're not as disappointed in as you would be if you just rushed through some crap to meet arbitrary deadlines.

Span Var

Yeah man take all the time u need I too know what it is like I lost my sister last September to Covid so take all the time u need


Appreciate the comments and understanding, everyone. :)