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Hello all, I hope everything is well & that those who celebrate enjoyed their Easter weekend. Sorry I don't have time for any specials once again...

Apologies for the lack of posts, I was aiming to get these previews out earlier, but things have been a little hectic in my life these last 2 weeks and have caused an upset to my schedule. 

Don't worry though, the tldr version is that everything's still fine for the v0.10 ALPHA #2 to release on April 30th. I've just had to majorly shuffle around my work plans in order to meet that deadline, which has meant finishing all of my renders for new scenes by April 23rd (sooner that I had planned, but probably for the best). So I've been scrambling to get that done with the time I've had instead of focusing on other parts of the game or other posts/content. This includes the Terminal Quickies writing for Lara's story which will still be sent out to you all when I get the chance to finish it, but for now I need to focus what time I have left in this month on ALPHA #2.

Unless things go surprisingly well, from a rendering perspective, I believe I will only be able to finish and implement the sex scenes that I have already been showing off since the 1st ALPHA. Those are:

  • Debra vs Sewer Zombie
  • Debra vs Futa Zombie
  • Debra vs Double Dick Zombie
  • Debra vs Jebadiah (finished ending & implemented in-game)

If I finish what's left on all of these before the end of the week, then I'll see if I can squeeze in one more with whatever time I have left, but this is what I'd expect for now. 

The reason for this rush, is that I may not be able to work from home during the final week of the month, and therefore may not have access to my render machines during that time. So that's instead when I'll be finishing up the remaining work on those new features I discussed in the previous blog and as many bugs/improvements to the game as I can.

My plans for May, as of now, are probably just to focus on some new scenes to make up for the lack of major ones in these first two ALPHA builds. So I'd expect a 3rd ALPHA around May 31st mostly focusing on pumping out these new v0.10 sex scenes I've been going on about for the last year and a bit. Though I won't know exactly what scenes I'll be tackling there until I'm done with ALPHA #2. 

That's it, just wanted to quickly share those 3 previews with everyone and give a little update on my current status. I also posted a new poll for $5+ tiers to vote in (about toy usage in the Tiffany X Vanessa Scene) & I'll be putting up an extra sneak peek of the Debra vs Jebadiah ending for the $10 tier right after this post.

Thanks for your patience, understanding & support!

~ Jim 



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