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Hey all, 

My break is not quite over just yet, since I didn't actually start my unpaid month off until the 11th of February, so I'm going to take another week and get back into work on the game proper on the 8th of March. 

But, as usual, I haven't really been taking much of a break anyway. I've been catching up on some of the things I've been neglecting like both Terminal Quickies projects and other writings/plans for TD related stuff. 

I'll have a post out when I'm properly back to explain in more details what I'll be focusing on more specifically for the next build of the game. But for right now, I just wanted to share my general plans for v0.10 releases moving forward.

One of the big things I wanted to achieve post v0.10 was a return to frequent releases every 1-2 months. A lot of the refactoring work I'm doing on v0.10 as well as adding all the new features now, is to help facilitate that faster progress for future releases where I can just focus on the new content. 

However, I originally estimated that I'd be done with v0.10 (and v0.11) before the end of 2021, and yet it's quite clear from the state of the Alpha that there is still quite a lot to do. I don't really want to turtle up again and work for many months on the next build. I'd rather try to just shift to a release every 1-2 months now until the Alpha's Full Release is out.

I didn't want to do this originally because ofc save files might break in between each Alpha/Beta build, and especially before the Full Release. But I think in the end it would be better for everyone if I just released what I had every 1-2 months for people to try/test if they wish. So that I can keep the content coming. And those who wish to wait for the Full Release can continue to do so. It doesn't really change the end result. And more regular releases will mean that I won't have to struggle so hard to come up with content to tide folks over while they wait, because they can simply try it out if they want (or just continue to look at the previews I'll be posting of the new scenes)

So that's my plan moving forward for now. There won't be any game release in March. Instead there will be a big new release for Lara's Terminal Quickies story and an update on the Jailbreak story too) among other previews and usual content. Then, I am aiming* to release a 2nd ALPHA build with my updated progress at the end of April.

*I won't release a build in April if I don't think there is enough new content to justify it. But as long as I have at least a few new scenes and some other mechanics to test I think I might as well. 

Also, before I go, there is a new Terminal Quickies Sneak Peek out for the $10 tier as well as a new poll for the $5+ tiers. I will also be putting up another twitter poll in the coming days to decide which character I should celebrate (very late) passing 2500 followers. Just like the images I did for Tiffany(1000) Hitomi(1500) & Vanessa(2000) previously. So follow me there and look out for that poll when it goes up some time tomorrow.


Thanks for your ongoing patience and support. Looking forward to getting back into things at a more healthy pace once I'm done taking care of a few more things.

~ Jim


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