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Hi Everyone,

As usual I'm against the clock so I'll skip the section where I apologize yet again for delays and just jump into this to hopefully give people at least a few hours to read this before the month officially ticks over according to Patreon. Better than 20 minutes like last month... See any of the recent posts from the last few days if you want to read more typical Jimjim grovelling.  :'<

v0.10 Progress:

^Oh hey, look^ It's Sirus. I don't think I've actually rendered him standing inside of a 3D environment until now. So full of mysteries. Will we ever uncover any of them? Well, not at this development rate... Jokes aside, work continues filling in the missing pieces cut from v0.09's new scenes. He will also make a rendered appearance in one or two of the additional images I'll be putting together for the revamped intro scene. Where he does appear briefly, in case you never noticed the comical sprite that quickly exits the bus and runs off screen laughing... I've never liked that part. Not just because of how janky some of that early work was, but especially because Sirus is not the laughing type at all. At the time I just wanted to help draw attention to him to make it clearer what was happening. Anyway, I'm glad to be solving that in v0.10. He's much more of the stern monologuing type after all. 

And what better way to fix up the earlier work that I'm unhappy with than by going back to the beginning and overhauling the game's first map:

^v0.09 Left. v0.10 Right. Ignore that the doors, enemies and other event tiles are missing from the updated map, they will be copied over from the original once their properties are fixed up.

It's been a longtime goal of mine to go back to these early maps and rework them so that Ashton Lake actually looks like a town where people could live. Not just some odd, out of place video game town. Okay, it still looks like that, but at least it's prettier now and the roads make sense. :P  The highlight of this redesign is that you'll now be able to get to George's shop more easily from the main area. You'll just need to purchase a key to his front gate for a small fee, or be on good terms with him from allowing Robert impregnate Tiffany. 

I'll be updating the east part of town as well and adding a couple more buildings too. That and redoing the sewer areas as I've mentioned before. Some people might be wandering: "Jim, didn't you have a level design guy helping you out?" Well yes, though he had to take a break from helping to work a full time job for most of the last year or so. But his job on TD was mostly, and still is, to work on all the new areas in the larger north part of town. And he will be coming back when I need him in time for those new areas. It's not like we've been in new locations anyway considering the story was stuck inside the Casino building for the better part of 2 years. But that will change with v0.11 of course. And the few new areas/expansions in v0.10.

Anyway, seems only appropriate that Tiffany should break in this new map by testing out her new toy! :3

Yes, I'm going with this pose for her scene with this toy. It was decided by the $5+ tiers that this scene would be a vaginal one. More scenes might be added for each toy later, but I'll prioritize adding new toys (in future versions) before multiple scenes with one. And yes, this is Tiffany's OG body, so this scene will of course be available for her new bodies too (Though she'll have to get her confiscated items back first on Day3!). 

If you can pry your eyes off the main action, you can also see that the gate controls into town will now also extend a bridge over the canal. Cause my perfectionism never liked that a simple boom gate was so hard for her to get past in the first place... Not that it matters cause it's only a stupid sex game!

Speaking of stupid sex, it is finally time!

^For Glory!

Yes, the long awaited appearance of glory holes in TD. I plan to have 1 of each "cock wielding" zombie type trapped in various bathrooms scattered across the game. Tiffany can visit them at her own leisure to have some repeatable fun and also an easy source of spunk for entering Stealth Mode if she chooses not to swallow. ;) In the future, I plan for companion girls to also get their own scenes at these glorious locations.

For now though, we're starting out "small" in v0.10. Just some oral action with a regular male infected. He can be found trapped inside one of the bathroom stalls on the Casino's ground floor from Day 3 onward.

^Can't let those evil zombies have all the fun! Though I don't think they mind very much...

Like with the toys, I will have polls in future versions to vote on which zombies should get glory scenes and what positions should be added next. I'll also be sharing an additional render from this scene with the Special Forces tier after this post is out. ;)

What else? Well, those on the discord would know I also did some work implementing my own version of a Perk Menu. One that doesn't look as pretty as the broken one I had last month, but at least this will actually work! :P

Yes, a big list in the middle of the screen upon level up of all your options! Not the most elegant solution, but like I said, this works. Of course, the list isn't looking so "big" yet, but I'll aim to have 15-20 perks/traits available pick from when v0.10 fully releases. Not that I expect anyone to be able to reach those levels this early in the game. But it'd be nice to have a decent variety of options to refine your Tiffany's gameplay experience. 

Selecting a perk from this list will then give you its description and ask you to confirm first so hopefully people won't accidentally miss-click & choose a perk they didn't mean to. 

Perks you haven't met the requirements for will be hidden from this list. I plan on adding an option to the menu that will allow you to look at all of the perks in the game including the ones you currently have and the requirements for those you've yet to unlock the option of choosing. You can also skip picking a perk on level up if you don't want one or wish to save your points for later. Much like the Stat Point allocation. Just keep in mind, that as of now, both options are only available upon level up. So if you skip, you'll have to level up gain before assigning those points. And yes, I will be adding a trait that allows Tiffany to gain exp from having sex in exchange for less combat exp for those who never engage with that part of the game unless forced. ;)

And as one last thing from v0.10, here's a first look at a render from Debra's combat sex scene with the Double Dick Zombie:

She'll of course be getting both of her lower holes stuffed! :)

There is still so much on my list to work through, including getting all the new features and upgrades working across all existing maps and not just the few I've been working with and testing thus far. Still no projection on an Alpha release yet. Though I still plan on completing the full v0.10 and v0.11 this year. I just can't say when cause it's too early and as you know I'll just miss whatever date I set and upset people. I am only mentioning this to give people a rough idea of my thinking and temper expectations. Speaking of, I will elaborate on my goals for July a little further below after quickly going over some polls.


Aside from the toy scene type result I revealed above, I've ended a couple of other polls.

Firstly, earlier in the month I asked $5+ tier supporters if they were fine with me adding yet another scene to v0.10. This one being a short molestation scene between George and Tiffany in his store. If you don't want to purchase the "Ammo Casting Manual" from George, he can give Tiffany a free "hands on" lesson instead to unlock those crafting recipes. Anyway, the result was a "YES" so expect this scene/option in v0.10.

And secondly, I ended a $10 tier poll from last month that revealed the two upcoming characters (Priest & Nun) for v0.11 and gave those supporters the option to choose the height difference between the two characters. This was the end result of that:

^I blame Lady Dimitrescu for this result. :') Tiffany is somewhere in between height-wise, for reference. 

I highly recommend clicking the above link that I've now made available to everyone if you wish see the individual character renders alongside all of the information I've written thus far about these two. I figured duplicating it all here would take up too much room... 

A number of fresh polls for the $5+ tiers are focused on these two and are currently available to vote in:

There is also another new poll out for the $5+ tiers to pick the next character I will cast for voice lines (Hopefully to appear in v0.10 assuming time permits).

And additionally, the $10 tier also has access to a sneak peek of Daniel's design (Ali's group - v0.12) and a poll to chose his hair/facial hair style. He is the last human character I needed to design up until v0.13. More of a stud/Terry type. Though I will still need to design the Zombie Hound(v0.11) & Sleeper Zombie(v0.12). But those are tasks for another day.

Goals for July:

Right before finishing off, I just wanted to go over what my plans are for July, just to give you a head up of what to expect. I have several goals I'd like to accomplish in no particular order.  Key words being "like to" of course. You can come back and laugh at me next month when I inevitably fail at delivering one or two of these... 

  • Finish implementing and record full Audio Demo Video for Tiffany's rescue of Vanessa. Showing off the new systems, sfx and ofc voices for Tiffany.
  • Render and implement the new George and Tiffany scene describe in the above section.
  • Deliver Part 2 of Terminal Quickies: Jailbreak for you all.
  • Finish rewriting the dialogue for the overhauled intro scene.
  • Finish applying all of the changes and improvements made so far to the rest of the game's maps/events/scenes and test to see what's playable/what's not. Basically to see how close I am to some kind of Alpha. 

So yeah, it is kind of a lot. On top of whatever else bonus content I have to put out like polls/sneak peeks. We'll see how far I get... That last one is a pretty important step though. 

Also, just a heads up that at this point so much of what's coming up in the next few versions has already been decided, and doing too many more "interesting"/"major" polls for v0.13+ at this point is just counter productive when I'm so far behind with the actual game releases. So any polls or discussions I do put out for a while will probably stay small scale as they have been recently. Though I'll always try my best to put something out regardless. 

Closing Words:

Thank you all once again for bearing with me during another crappy month. Hopefully the new looks at some of the upcoming scenes are enough to tide you over until I next have more to share. I keep saying it, but I'll try and be better about posting more frequently on the discord during development, so make sure to join there if you haven't already and wish to keep more up to date or interact with the rest of our awesome community. :) I posted a bit in the general chat about some of problems that caused delays for me this month, but those still aren't great excuses. I did manage to lose 9kg over the course of June by starting a keto diet though. Which is cool for me I guess, but not really for anyone else. :') Hopefully the eventual release of v0.10 followed by shorter update windows for future versions will eventually make up for this agonizing pace. 

Until next time, thanks once again for your patience and supporting me while I work on this big overhaul. I couldn't do it without you all! Also sorry if I forgot to address anything or made a bunch of spelling/grammar mistakes here, low on sleep as always during the "End of Month" crunch. I'll be fine tomorrow though. 





Keep up the good work sir😎


Just can't wait for the bigger pregnant belly


Yeah. Perhaps that's something simple I can design to show off higher tiers some time soon... Then everyone else a bit later of course. :)