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Hey guys, 

Sorry for the wait, I meant to get this out yesterday or earlier today, but I had to also get some renders set up before I could work on putting this together both days. Anyway, here is a Special Forces sneak peek at the two new human characters you will encounter in v0.11. The Priest and Nun character I have been mentioning for a while now. They will have a quest in v0.11 that as of now will contain 2 possible sex scenes. One between Tiffany & the Priest and another between the Nun & the Priest. But the details are still to be finalized (Though some rope bondage will be utilized, as per one of the 2.5K goal reward winners). We will discuss more about this quest & scenes later after v0.10 is done. Anyway, I will be needing names for these two characters, so give me your suggestions in the comments or on the discord. The Nun will have the religious title "Sister" & the Priest will have the title "Father".

First up, the Nun:

I still need to properly finish writing up and deciding on all of their details/religion "lore", so I will have to leave some additional details and clarifications to a future post. But I will try my best to give you basic info on both characters to at-least paint a picture in your minds of who we're dealing with here.  

The Nun is about 38-40 years old and also a very devout, yet naive, "pure" virgin. This is thanks to her chastity vows which she has yet to break... Very innocent and softly spoken, she is from a different part of the nation, Ravenborough, a small rural town some distance away from Ashton Lake or Hardwood in a northern state. A town where this new religious sect originates from. She is a missionary sent to the recently established (within the last couple of years) Ashton Lake chapter to assist/oversee the Priest with his duties and investigate why uptake has been so low amongst the citizenry. She arrived in town about a fortnight before the outbreak and was scheduled to have left by now, but obviously things didn't go as planned. 

A Nun from this religion, while still undertaking vows of chastity, have some unique roles as caregivers & educators. Sisters of the order are trained from birth by the church, although only a rare few are actually selected to enter the role once they reach the age of 18. Those being the Sisters who can lactate naturally to an "acceptable degree". "Virgin's milk" being of religious significance to this sect. Those who are unable to meet these standards are relieved of their vows and dismissed from the order to integrate back into the regular citizenry of Ravenborough. The most important duties of a Nun is to run the church's many nurseries and to raise & educate the children taken in by the church. This is one of the main services offered by the church: to take in and raise the vast majority of their congregation's offspring. This is to relieve the burdens of parenthood from the general community, so that they can better focus on breeding and pumping out more babies then they would otherwise. But I'll delve more into how the church operates at a later date.

Anyway, as such, it will be this Nun character's gameplay role to help run the town's nursery and raise all of the offspring birthed by Tiffany and the rest of the girls throughout the course of the game until they reach adulthood. I will ofc go over this aspect of the game a lot more once we get closer. Still very far away at this point obviously...

I tried a couple of different things with this character. Firstly, she is designed not only to be a tall character, but a more plump character than most of the other girls. Though, admittedly, it's a little hard to tell from the front facing angles I've rendered. And the fact that she's covering her belly somewhat with her hands in this pose... But she does have some more meat on her bones than the other characters so far. I think I am happy with this, but will have to see how she looks from some other angles to see if she should be bigger or smaller weight wise. But that sounds like a poll for another day. Though please let me know what you think. :) Ofc, since she will mostly be wearing her veil (I am sure it will inevitably come off during some sex scenes) I wanted to make sure her face was interesting to look at by itself. Hence the unique eyes, defined jaw & cheekbones and fat dick sucking lips ;)

I know some people will probably be disappointed that her proportions aren't bigger by default, but not to worry. I am fairly sure that I am going to make it a part of her questline that she gets injected with some FES (Fertility Enhancement Serum) just like Tiffany did and her base will grow in a way that should please most who are after more of that content. Right now, I think this will be optional. Unlike with Tiffany, or the girls planned to be companions, a regular minor character like this Nun doesn't not need the host of action, combat and combat sex scene renders & variations that come with that more active role. So they are better suited for exploring some more specific fetishes & scenarios. Though I don't suspect that the FES injection part of the church questline will be in v0.11. I think it will be something for a later day when I don't already have so much stuff panned. :') She is probably also going to end up being the most physically "corruptible" character in the game before the end. ;)

Her outfit is something I might consider changing a bit too. For instance, I may replace the crucifix imagery with something else for this religion. I tried to go with a more lace and lingerie type look for something a bit different and more "dignified" looking (in this world, anyway). Let me know if you like this look or have any suggestions. There may be polls to choose some aspects of this design. 

Now for the Priest:

^His flaccid/erect states. Though this may change depending on how short he ends up...

Usually a brotherhood, a Priest who heads a chapter is given the title of "Father" to denote his position in the church's local community & nursery. Ironically ascending to the position of "Father" forbids one from fathering children of their own: they are Instead expected to accept all equally as their children. "Brothers" do not have this responsibility, nor this restriction. All male members of the order receive their FES shot upon turning 18. Distributing the serum to male members of their congregation is one of their important duties also. Rumor has it, that every single male in Ravenborough received their enhancement over a decade ago... By comparison, Ashton Lake has the second highest proportion of enhanced males of any town in Westerica, yet they only make up less than two thirds of the town's male population. This is ofc unusually high, the sect appears to have an oddly close ties to F.W.I. to be in possession of so much experimental serum...

This 60-65 year old Priest's main job is to spread the order's religion to Ashton Lake's citizenry. However, he appears to be failing somewhat. Unhappy with this chapter's performance the Head Priest from Ravenborough dispatched his most trusted Nun to find out why and report back. But ofc, since the outbreak started, everything has gone to hell. The Priest barricaded himself and the Nun inside of the town's church for safety. However, his already faltering faith has been exacerbated by what appears to be the end times. He'd had just about all he could take of this Nun sticking her nose into his chapter where she didn't belong before. But now that he's been stuck inside with her heavenly body for the last fortnight, he's ready to give into his carnal desires and forsake his vows. He has but one goal left, to persuade the Nun to do the same, and then breed her. But she is proving much more devoted to the order's cause than he is. Not even exposing his enhanced penis directly to her for the last week seems to have shaken her conviction... much! Tiffany will be of course be able to influence the outcome of their relationship for better or worse. :)

As for his design, for those who saw an earlier WIP on the discord, I think you'll agree he looks much better with his outfit on. :') I also made some slight changes from that WIP render. His head is slightly smaller overall to make him look a little less comically proportioned. I also gave him a more grouchy expression. He probably looks a lot better with this demeanor imo. I also replaced his dick texture with one that I think looks a lot better. I don't think we'll be seeing much of him without his garb though, instead he'll join Dr. Milburn in the "Dicks out for Harambe" gang :P 

Now, what is this "poll" all about? Well, I really want to go for a short Priest vs tall Nun aesthetic. Only question is, how extreme should their height difference be? I figured I'd do a quick mock up of 3 different height options for the Priest and let you Special Forces members vote on how tall he should be in comparison to the Nun. Just keep in mind that for this mock-up I've just scaled the same render of the priest to different sizes. When adjusting the scales for the final models, I will adjust things proportions-wise like his dick size so don't worry about that! This poll is just about height only. 

^No, you can't have all three! ;)

So, what do you think? Remember to suggest names for "Sister ____" and "Father ____" Thank you all again for your support, suggestions & feedback this month. Devblog tomorrow if all things go well. :)

~ Jim




Not sure for the nun, but something like Father Felipe would fit the priest pretty well ^^


Father Mario and Sister Daisy? Go full Nintendo


Sister Jezebel & Father Amante


Father Segundo and Sister Contortia


Like tall lady smaller man from RE8 👌


Father Escobar, and Sister Patricia or Sister Merrill


I'm sorry, do we have to have hige butt all the time. I actually small butt and huge breast.


Sure. I can make a character like that at some point. Most people usually complain about boobs always getting preferential treatment. :') Anyway, this character was meant to facilitate people who wanted a plumper girl. I can make a more top heavy athletic build though for a future character.