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Hello there,

Sorry I haven't done a proper post yet since starting up development again. This is just a quick poll/discussion to get some feedback on something that I am currently unsure about. And that thing is (as you probably already know from this post's title) the concept of introducing a carry weight/item limit to Tiffany's inventory. I thought about it properly for the first time today when going over some potential plugins and changes to make to the game's back-end. Since I am overhauling a lot of things for v0.10 by adding perks, traits, skills, stat allocation, etc. 

Having some inventory management could be fun, and add some immersion into the game. I know a lot of players like for Tiffany to have certain restrictions placed on her to make the situations she finds herself in more challenging and harder to deal with, without resorting to sex.  This would prevent Tiffany from being able to stock up on a completely ridiculous amount of items that could ruin any sense of danger. And the default weight/item limit could be increased overtime with the addition of certain perks, leveling up her stats, or even purchasing inventory upgrades from the store.

On the other hand, inventory management can also easily become an annoying and tedious feature for a lot of players, who just want to play the game without worrying about such limits, having to drop or pass up on certain items, or enduring the effects of being over-encumbered. And of course, there is also the obvious issue of Tiffany not actually having any tangible storage on her in the first place, given she is usually somewhere between scantily clad and nude. And I wouldn't be actually rendering things like backpacks and satchels for her. Obviously it's just a game, and it doesn't make sense either way, but part of me thinks it's simpler to just ignore the inventory all together rather than draw specific attention to how much Tiffany can actually carry and where she is keeping all this stuff?

So I'm of two minds about it. Honestly, I could go either way. But I am probably leaning towards leaving the inventory system as it currently is, despite all the extra player interaction I could squeeze out of it. If I did add a weight limit, it would likely be reasonably generous. I don't want players to fill their inventories immediately. Just an additional RPG element to make choices about and help guide your play-through. Though I would like to hear what you all think? And if there was a limit, should it be weight based(Like Elder Scrolls/Fallout), space based(like Resident Evil, Diablo) or simply a cap on the maximum number of certain items? Please share your opinions :) I am curious to know what people think.

Should there be a Weight/Item limit for Tiffany's Inventory?

I am not sure if it is possible to set it up like this, but perhaps there could be an option where Weight/Item limit would only appear in a "hardcore" mode or something like that. Though again, I probably wouldn't bother if this is a feature that has very little interest at all. The results of this poll/discussion won't be definitive, I am just curious to get your opinions. 

Thanks for your feedback, patience, and support. I will write up a proper dev blog sometime in the next week to let you know what I've been up to. This is just a question I happened to be asking myself about today, and figured I would put it to you. :)

~ Jim



Why not have this feature in a entirely different game difficulty, "realism"?


i like the sound of that, this way people that want to manage their inventories can and those that don't wont have a new game mechanic forced on them.


Well if you want to add a weight/item limit you need a storage to put your items in there and give at least more scenes if she got catched. She won’t be able to fight back if she is over the limit


Realism ? In a world filled with bimbo girls and super hungs zombies ? :P


That could bring some interesting possibilities, but will probably be a pain in the ass for many players. I completly agree with adding new mechanics to have a real game, with a good gameplay, but the inventory is often something you're annoyed by. It's only really interesting to add it in a really survival game. But it's true that TD have this survival idea, with limited ressources and all.


But since you already have limited ressources, i don't think it's really necessary to bring another limiting factor in it. And even if you could make some mechanics around (like being slowed down when too full for example), I think it's not worth it. Not even speaking of the time those kind of mechanics would take to code (not even sure it can be done). Overall, I'd say it's not worth the time and the pain it'll be for most of players.


My vote is for a toggle/difficulty or not at all. Not the type of game that i personally would enjoy having this type of feature


Personally I prefer it as it is. Maybe there is an option to choose between the two? I don't know how complex it would be to implement it but if there's a possibility to toggle it just like the footstep noises that would be the ideal thing. Again, I don't know how hard it would be to implement it.


Yeah, as I said in the post, if it's possible, I will implement a "Hardcore" mode or something, for players who would like extra restrictions/challenges. But that is something I will focus on later, after the game is more complete, given that this is a pretty resounding NO from the community :P


Yeah, I would have added some negative side effects from being over-encumbered. Along side player storage at the various safe-zones to stash their stuff.


You're ultimately correct in the end that while this is a survival rpg, there is a finite number of enemies & resources, and therefore (assuming I do my job balancing things correctly) we shouldn't run into too many issues with people having an absurd amount of resources in the late game that allows them to trivialize all encounters.


Yeah, as I said in the post, if it's possible, I will implement a "Hardcore" mode or something, for players who would like extra restrictions/challenges. But that is something I will focus on later, after the game is more complete, given that this is a pretty resounding NO from the community :P


Loving the Fallout-Series (minus 76) , loving the Elder Scrolls Series (ESO not so much) und stuff like Outer Worlds. HATING the weight limit. Midgame you spend more time running from the action back to the merchants to sell anything in your packed inventory, than you do actually playing the game. Please leave it, as it is.


Yeah, usually I agree in a regular sfw game. But in this case, it depends if you want an excuse to have your Tiffany under-equiped to deal with the zombie threat by having less items at her disposal, thus increasing the chances of her having sex. But I will be leaving it as it is, and perhaps introduce a "hardcore" mode in the future when the game is more complete that will have a weight limit feature like this.